Joy Harris
Intuitive Energy Healer

Ā Joy's mission is to spread a contagion of Healing Love & Light throughout the Global Heart to lift the whole World. Helping people and animals to heal through energy work, so they can feel better, function better and live happier lives. She finds great joy in Energy Healing, as it makes the world a better place. Joy is certified in the Emotion, BodyĀ & Belief Codeā„¢ +Ā Chakra Healing.

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Despina Charavgi
Intuitive Energy Healer

Despina's soul mission is to bring healing and peace.Ā Her mottoĀ  is ā€œHealing the world, one heart at a timeā€. Her path of service is through energy work with the Emotion Codeā„¢, Access Barsā„¢, EFT and Akashic Record Healing. With her soul map, she helps people find clarity and direction in life. Despina offers her services in Greek and English.

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Elsa Le Torrivellec
Intuitive Energy Healer

Elsa can work on every aspect of your life to bring balance and joy back, with a special taste and gift for Ancestors and Past Lives. As a radiant factor of healing and uplifting energy, her mission is to walk you back home to your Heart, supporting the blossoming of your own Self Mastery, in integrity. She offers her services in French, Spanish and English.

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Vivienne Keytel
Transformational & Meditation Life Coach

Her Soul Purpose of ā€œHelping awaken the Light, joy & power in others by nurturing & through joyful serviceā€ underpins everything Vivienne does. As a Transformational & Meditation Life Coach, with Mentoring & Personal Development, she follows her passion to serve others & better the lives of all. Her services include online event facilitation & presenting.

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Elif HĆ¼rdoğan
Meditation Artist & Chakradance Facilitator

Elif's purpose is to raise the frequency of Earth to love, joy and compassion through meditation, art and movement therapy. She believes that as we heal, we release whatever is not us and we become more of our true selves. She crafts meditations, moon ceremonies and facilitates Chakradanceā„¢ sessions. Elif offers her services in English, Turkish and Spanish.

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Sarah Patstone
Bowen TherapistĀ & Reiki Master and Teacher

Sarah is a highly intuitive Bowen Therapy and Reiki practitioner.Ā She improves the lives of those she works with by holding space and guiding with empathy, bodywork, energetic communication and mindset reprogramming practices. Passionate about empowering adoptees to take back their power and live healthy, happy and abundant lives, she herself is adopted.

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Dr. Joyce Anastasia
Transformational Leadership Consultant

Joyce is a leadership consultant and spiritual advisor with expertise in psychology and quantum healing. She combines critical and intuitive insights to drive transformative decisions. As the founder of Lead By Wisdom and author of "Extraordinary Leadership during Extraordinary Times," she empowers leaders to make ethical global impacts.

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Philip Elisa
Meditation Artist &Ā Akashic Records Teacher

Philip is here to let you live a life of bliss! Over the years he has used unconventional coaching methods to guide people out of their programming into a live of ease and bliss. At this moment he is connecting people closer to their divine nature with his Akashic Record School. One thing is sure, you will be uplifted when you interact with Philip.

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