Your intuition is speaking to you 24/7.

Learn to tune into it instantly for radiant health, inner peace,

and a harmonious family life.

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Learn about how to muscle test and deepen your intuition so your life becomes 10X easier!


Tap Into Your Magic course is your guide to unlock your intuition, activate your superpowers and transform your life forever.

 Easy Magic Steps

  • Easy to digest content
  • Learn your unique energetic blueprint
  • Become the master of your intuition

Heart-led Safe Space

  • Walk your healing path together with your soul tribe
  • Hands-on practice to apply what you learn with other students
  • Get mentored on every step of the path 


Access your Inner Wisdom

  • Become your own energy healer
  • Get intuitive guidance on demand
  • Transform your health by simply listening to your body


Sign Up for FREE MasterClass

Hear from our Magic Students:


Empower all aspects of life with deep inner wisdom.

What You’ll Learn:

Your intuition is your gift. It is here to save you so much time and frustration, make your life choices easier than ever and transform your life through synchronicities. You will learn to access this magical superpower on demand and actually trust it when you get answers from it, instead of doubting and getting caught up in the analytical mind.


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Testimonials from Course Graduates

Marcia Nathai Balkissoon

As a special needs parent, Joy's course was a blessing. It equipped me with tools to care for myself and my family, especially my special needs child. I noticed reduced stress in my child and myself. Using these tools, I could soothe her pain and distress. I highly recommend Joy's course.

Phaki Lesibu

As an emotional freedom techniques practitioner and reiki master, I had the privilege of joining Joy's "Tap into your Magic" class. Her teachings have enhanced my mission to help others overcome ancestral trauma. Joy's profound work and her kind, loving presence make her truly special. I highly recommend connecting with her.

Magdalena Hodur

Joy's course deepened my understanding of my intuition, heart, and body. It taught me about emotional frequencies and how to tap into my emotions and intuition for better health choices. I gained insights into chakras and meridians, realizing the inner power we possess. I can't recommend it enough!

Millie Chiu

In Joy's "Tap into Your Magic" course, I gained a deeper understanding of energy. We practiced muscle testing and learned to unlock our energy and connect our consciousness. This program enhanced my healing abilities and introduced me to a wonderful community. It truly opened up my potential.

Despina Charavgi

Joining Joy's class was enlightening. Each week, I delved into energy, vibrations, and chakras. The tools she provided helped me tap into my intuition, boosting my confidence. Thanks to this course, I'm now an energy healer, trusting in my ability to bring magic and healing to others. Grateful to Joy. Don't miss out on this course!

Dixie-Ann Harris Gordon

A magical journey! From content to delivery, it catered to both beginners and advanced healers.I appreciated the fact that there was time and space to practice the skills and this is something we cannot take for granted. Amidst the vast world of energy healing, I'm grateful for this experience. Highly recommended.

You will get access to:

Step by Step Learning

  • Easy to follow program
  • Personal guidance on your journey
  • Hands-on practice to apply what you learn with other students

Live Q&A Calls for Deeper Guidance

Reconnecting with your intuition, especially after years of being taught to doubt it, can be a journey. I'm here to hold your hand through it, having walked this path myself, understanding the societal pressures that might have overshadowed your special gifts.

Each month, I'll be here, answering your questions, guiding your practice, and illuminating the wonders that come when you embrace your unique power.

A global community of like-hearted Students 

Our online community is filled with love and empowerment. Hundreds of heart-led students are in the same journey as you to unlock their intuition. 

  • Meet with your soul tribe 
  • Make deep connections
  • Celebrate your wins together
  • Get the support of our Joyful Guardians
Sign Up for FREE MasterClass

This course is for you if:

  • you are new to energy work & don't know where to start

  • you want to expand your knowledge about energy work

  • you are super sensitive and it feels overwhelming

  • you want to deepen your inner wisdom connection

  • you need to identify your intuition and clair senses

  • you wish to identify blockages in your chakras

  • you want to understand why you attract specific energies

  • you wish to learn how empathy is a gift you can use

Sign Up for FREE MasterClass

Your intuition is speaking to you every moment of the day. You can get instant, on-demand guidance and see how your life is transforming into a parade of synchronicities. 

I am witnessing miracles every day. I follow my heart’s call and live my life’s purpose. It all started with tuning into my intuitive power and activating what I ‘ve been told to ignore for years. I know it is possible for anyone who is open hearted and you can absolutely transform your life through tuning into your real superpower. And it is available to you now. I will hold your hand through this process and walk the path together with you. 

You can connect to yourself on a deeper level spiritually, physically, emotionally. You can use your gifts to live a life of fulfillment, freedom and balance. You can make fast and easy choices which can transform your health, your relationships, your business. You can unlock your superpowers. 


This is your place to become who you always meant to be.

Now, listen to your intuition and make your decision.

Sign Up for FREE MasterClass

💝 Extra Magic Bonuses 💝


After you complete the first 5  

The last module of the course came as a download to Joy and had to be included. She received inspiration to guide you on owning your energetic powers to fulfill your soul's purpose.

BONUS 1: Group Practice Sessions

with Our Heartled Community ~ 

Join with other TIYM students to integrate the energy skillset you will learn throughout the course. You will be a part of our community and have lifetime access to this tool.

BONUS 2: Map of Consciousness (PDF) ~

Created by Dr. Hawkins, this map gives you a wide view of the connection between emotions and their energetic frequency. Knowing which emotion is driving your life can help you make decisions about how to achieve balance going forward.

BONUS 3: Muscle Testing Workshop ~

Apart from the Module dedicated to muscle testing in the course, this live workshop is going to be an experiential dive into the topic of muscle testing, meaning that you will be learning and practicing it on the spot and asking your questions and getting answers right away.

BONUS 4: Chakra Health Quiz (PDF) ~

The Chakras serve as a life map. Learn how yours are working for you and understand how to achieve healthy balance.

BONUS 5: Power of Gratitude E-book (PDF) ~

Gratitude is the basis of an abundant life. Apply this e-book to increase your gratitude vibration and attract abundance into your life with ease.

BONUS 6: Shield Yourself from Negative Energies (PDF) ~

As we move through life there are many energies around us, it is important to be aware and choose protection that keeps you in your soul's blueprint. This pdf will help you to do that.

Special Notice

This is the last time for this course to be hosted in this format with Live Q&A's.

Give this gift to yourself and choose mastery of your intuition.

Limited spaces available.


🐣 Get An Early Bird Discount! 🐣

33% off with the code: "HUMMINGBIRD33"

Tap Into Your Magic

Intuition Mastery

  • Easy to follow program
  • 3 Live Q&A Calls with Personal Guidance
  • A global community of like-hearted Students
  • Every experience level is welcome
  • Hands-on practice with your Magic partners 


with the Early Bird Discount


Pay Full Amount

Tap Into Your Magic

Intuition Mastery

  • Easy to follow program
  • 3 Live Q&A Calls with Personal Guidance
  • A global community of like-hearted Students
  • Every experience level is welcome
  • Hands-on practice with your Magic partners 

Instead of $82 x 3

with the Early Bird Discount

$55 x 3 = $165

Pay in 3 Installments

Frequently Asked Questions

Sign Up for FREE MasterClass

Why Sign Up?

By registering for the FREE MasterClass, you will be receiving the latest updates on the Tap Into Your Magic course.

Get ready to unlock your inner magic and potential. 

Your magical journey awaits!

Sign Up for the FREE MasterClass of

"Tap Into Your Magic" course

Before committing to the full course, explore the content and the story behind Tap Into Your Magic. This way, you will still get a glimpse of useful tools to use in your daily life and decide if this is something for you.

In this FREE MasterClass you will:

  • Learn how to muscle test
  • Learn how to deepen your intuition
  • Understand how energy works